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June 20, 2005


I've been too nice lately. It's downright scary. In fact, it's been months since I had a work related rant, or even a foaming geek rant in general.

Oh, I could wax ballistic about the annoyances of supporting Win XP for the perennially clueless, of which we have a few here at $job. Thing is, most of our tech clueless know that they are tech challeged, and so don't have a chip on their shoulder about asking for help.

But there are a couple, including one administrative person whose job revolves around being able to use the MS Office suite, who regularly has to ask how to use Outlook, Word and Excel. This is an office manager? Oh, and she's bitchy about it too, like it's the IT people's fault that she doesn't know how to do her job use her software.

Still, other than that, I'm downright mellow. What a change from the boneheaded idiots I worked with two years ago, where cluelessness and asshattery was the rule, rather than the exception.

Thank you, $job, for reducing my stress levels.

All I have to rant about is bad drivers, yuppification, and rude parentoids who can't be bothered to civilize their brats. Downright dull, I fear.

Well, that and politics... Do you want to read my snarling about that? Other people do it better, I fear. Since I'm not a pure liberal, pure conservative, or pure big L Libertarian (the LP has been hijacked by fundies, IMO), my stuff is socially liberal (not pinko, new deal), fiscal conservative (not neoconservative, real conservative) and probably ridiculed by purists on all sides.

Posted by ljl at June 20, 2005 12:12 PM


I just dont have much to say lately, but oh well. Today was a loss. My lifes been basically unremarkable today, but whatever.

Note: This comment was anonymous, but had the html spam stripped out. Nyeah, Nyeah

Posted by: at March 18, 2006 09:58 AM