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November 02, 2004

Getting Tough

...With blog comment spammers, of course. I first put all of my blogs on comment moderation. I still ended up deleting *TWENTY* damn pieces of drug, porn, or gambling spam *per* *week*. It's just that now none of my readers had to put up with them. You would think that the idiots would figure out that none of their shit was seeing the light of day.

Then the asswipes started leaving porno trackbacks, so I put trackback links on email notify, and started whacking them as well. The time required has been rising, and the combined putrescence was getting very old.

So I have now instituted phase three. After 1-2 weeks, I am closing the comments on an entry. Let's see how those cheesy little spammer scripts do when the thing won't take the shit and links input by it.

What pisses me off most about it is they wouldn't do this type of crap, essentially relieving themselves in someone else's kitchen, if it didn't make them more money. This means that some AOL using bubba moron is patronizing their "services".

I am really starting to miss the days when you had to know how to use a basic Unix shell and text-based client to use the internet. It seems that all of these "easy to use" GUI things have just provided more access to idiots and twits, and ease of abuse to the world's parasites.

Posted by ljl at November 2, 2004 02:05 PM


That spammer fellow who was convicted the other week had socked away 24 mil from peddling phony products and pr0n. He now has a nine year prison sentence to go with it, which is nice, assuming the judge doesn't reduce it Feb 3rd.

I've disabled trackbacks globally on my blogs. I just ignore comment spam for a month or so, then clean it out by setting the number displayed to "all," clicking "select all" then unclicking the fifteen or so real comments.

Posted by: Howard Owen [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 10, 2004 06:34 PM